Seed Certification & Noxious Weed Free Program (SCNWFP)

The SCNWFP office is located at New Mexico State University's Leyendecker Plant Science Center in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

The SCNWFP is the designated Official Seed Certifying Agency for the state of New Mexico in accordance with the New Mexico Seed Law. The agency is responsible for the promulgation of rules, regulations, and the standards for all certification of seed and other propagating materials in the state. SCNWFP is an active member of the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) which establishes minimum standards for certification of all crops. No member agency can certify a crop with lower standards than those set by AOSCA, but may require higher standards.

Cotton field

SCNWFP also oversees the Noxious Weed Free Program. For more information on any of these programs follow the appropriate links or call the number below.

Office Hours

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Weekends and Holidays
* Allow 3-4 business days to process seed tag orders *

Contact Information

Phillip Lujan
Extension Plant Pathologist/Assistant Professor
Seed Certification Program Manager
Agriculture Experiment Station
Leyendecker Plant Science Center
PO Box 30003, MSC 3LEY
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003
Phone: 575-646-1822

Lujan Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Phillip Lujan